
Valentine’s Day Celebrations Across the Continents

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Valentine’s Day celebrations throughout the continents have various intensity of gaiety and gala each year. While in some areas it is a major event of festivity, in some areas it is observed with little celebration. While we’ve a look of the event throughout the continents, in North America, folks of Canada and the United States celebrate the event with much enthusiasm. School and college students trade Valentine cards and in addition they hold Valentine’s Day parties where they alternate sweets ad cards. For these celebrations, students make their own fancy boxes or envelopes to position the cards. Students also actively indulge with much enthusiasm in creating their own hand-made Valentine with red or white paper and other articles like heart-formed paper doilies, etc. The creation of cards and Valentine is an activity most indulgently pursued by these students. Both children and adults offer flowers and candy to their spouses or expensive ones. Youngsters might dance to celebrate the occasion.

In our appreciation of the Valentine’s Day celebrations throughout the continents, let’s subsequent take Europe. After we come to Europe, in many of the European international locations Valentine’s Day is celebrated with enthusiasm. The American custom of gifting presents and roses to the beloved is adopted in some European international locations like Germany and Austria. In some countries pressed white flowers or candy called Snowdrops is offered to the beloved. In some territories like Denmark men send a joking letter called ‘Gaekkebrev’ to their beloved. It would comprise a romantic verse and instead of signing the man would mark it with dots equal in number with the letters in his name. If the eve identifies the sender, she would obtain an egg at Easter. Individuals in England observe some other customs on the Valentine’s Day. Women would pin a bay leaf on each nook of their pillow and would eat eggs from which yolk could be removed and changed with salt. It is their perception that such a apply would enable them to dream about their would-be husbands. In one other custom, women would write on each bit of paper the name of their lovers and that might be placed on clay and dropped in water. The name of the lover on the bit of paper that first surfaces will be their hubby would-be.

While we look at Valentine’s Day celebrations across the continents, let’s come to Asia. In China and some other territories, the day isn’t celebrated on the standard day of celebration in other nations, that is, February 14. As per the Chinese custom, the day falls on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. A traditional custom is that when the star Vega appears within the sky, maidens place a needle on the surface of water. It marks the occasion of girls looking for their would-be husbands. The occasion accords many concessions for commercial purchases.

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